Certifications have been instrumental in equipping me with the essential skills demanded in the domain of machine learning and data science.

Through these professional certification programs, I have acquired a comprehensive understanding of cutting-edge tools and techniques, allowing me to tackle complex challenges with confidence derived from proficiency.

Armed with the knowledge garnered from rigorous training and hands-on experiences, I am well-prepared to embrace tasks with enthusiasm and deliver expected results.

OCI Generative AI Certified Professional

Demonstrated a strong understanding of Large Language Model (LLM) architecture and proficiency in using OCI Generative AI Services.

Acquired skills in utilizing RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) and LangChain to build, trace, evaluate, and deploy LLM applications.

Gained expertise in leveraging Oracle Cloud Infrastructure's Generative AI capabilities for creating advanced AI-powered solutions.

TensorFlow Professional Developer Certificate

Completed comprehensive training on the fundamentals of deep learning, focusing on the practical aspects of using Tensorflow for building and deploying machine learning models.

Gained hands-on experience with Tensorflow libraries, including Keras, to create and train various neural network architectures, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and transformer models.

Learnt key concepts related to model optimization, deployment, and production, enabling participants to effectively implement and deploy machine learning solutions using Tensorflow in real-world scenarios.

Data Engineering, Big Data and Machine Learning on GCP

Understood the fundamental concepts and practical applications of data engineering, big data processing, and machine learning using Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Gained insights into utilizing managed services like Cloud Dataflow and BigQuery, and implementing machine learning models using GCP's AI and ML services, such as AI Platform and TensorFlow.

Gathered hands-on experience through labs and exercises, allowing participants to develop essential skills in designing, deploying, and optimizing data and ML solutions on Google Cloud.

Getting Started with Deep Learning

Learned the fundamental concepts and principles of deep learning, including neural networks, activation functions, and optimization algorithms.

Implementing deep learning models using NVIDIA's TensorFlow-based framework, focusing on building and training convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for image classification tasks.

Explored the process of deploying trained deep learning models on NVIDIA GPUs, enabling them to harness the power of parallel computing for accelerated inference and improved performance.


+1 (984) 944 3688


Raleigh, North Carolina 27606