ConverseBot AI

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Project Overview
Engineered a sophisticated chatbot application using the llama-3.1-8B-Instant model, enabling dynamic and intelligent conversations on a wide range of subjects.

Key Features & Technical Aspects
• Integrated a cutting-edge language model for contextually relevant and insightful responses
• Crafted a user-friendly Gradio interface with customizable AI parameters and dark mode
• Implemented real-time response streaming for fluid interactions
• Utilized LangChain for efficient model management and incorporated pre-set example prompts
• Developed a system for dynamic adjustment of AI behavior (system prompts, temperature, token limits)

Outcomes & Skills Showcased
• Created a versatile AI chatbot capable of engaging, high-quality dialogues
• Enhanced user accessibility to advanced language models through an intuitive interface
• Demonstrated proficiency in NLP, Machine Learning, Python, API integration, UI/UX design, and large language model implementation

Explore this project on GitHub: link


+1 (984) 944 3688



Raleigh, North Carolina 27606